The Trials of a Writer

What is a writer? Is someone who remains unpublished considered a writer? What goes into the act (art) of writing? And how do you ever focus enough to complete your manuscript? 1. A passion for the written word. I love to read. Maybe too much. Or is “too much” even possible? It’s nearly August andContinue reading “The Trials of a Writer”

Writer’s Block

Yeah, it’s a real thing. And it’s always entertaining when I mention on social media that I’m experiencing it. The suggestions range from … well creative to out of this galaxy creative. Sometimes, I jump on a suggestion or two, to see what thoughts may flow. I have had several topics in mind recently andContinue reading “Writer’s Block”


So we’ve all heard of writer’s block….but it there such a thing as “photography-block?”  I ask because very recently I CHOSE to put down my camera and not shoot anything. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Whatever language or term you want to use. I. Shot. Nothing. At. All.  I was supposed to be at an event inContinue reading “{Photography-Block}”