
There are so many methods of communication. I must admit, I am horrible when it comes to phone calls (both making and answering them.) I’ve never been great with phone calls. But, give a sheet of paper (or three) and a pen and I’m off to the races.

I think I write the longest letters. Although I’ve met my match with a couple pen pals. And yes, I do have pen pals. I know. They still exist.

I love the act of writing, of formulating my words on paper with a nice writing ink pen. I can sit and write for hours. Often, my letters are like journals, written over a period of days. A chronology of my life, written to a friend.

The anticipation of receiving a letter in the mail…the process of choosing which stationery to use to reply, which envelope, or do I choose a pretty notecard? Do I add glitter and confetti for a sparkly surprise when the open it? Stickers or washi tape?

The act of writing also commits things to memory. It’s therapeutic. It’s nostalgic and it’s my favourite form of communication. Nothing is better than finding a letter in your mailbox.

Published by viaggidigioia

Writer. Photographer. Creative. Dreamer. Follow my life adventures & deep (or not so deep) thoughts here.

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